
How musical can blockchain get?

Pic: Ujo aims to automate royalty payments Music is great, everyone loves it, but what about the music industry? That’s a bad name to take, and rarely would it get a positive response. The biggest issue here is money, royalties, cuts and commissions, followed by lack of opportunities for newcomers to make it big. The word…

bitcoin crime

Bitcoin and crime: Made for each other?

source: bitcoinwiki The very features with which Bitcoin was created, a currency not dependent on the mainstream institutions by being unregulated, anonymous and secure, have also made it a star attraction for illegal activities, especially on what is called the “dark web”. This is the underbelly of the internet that is scary and fearsome, and…


Doping smart phones for a blockchain ‘high’

Imagine buying an average, run-of-the-mill smart phone from a local store, and discovering it carries a little bank inside. This won’t happen today, but maybe ten years down the line. The future is being paved with what are called blockchain phones. Recently, three companies, HTC, Samsung and Sirin Labs have launched their (rather pricey) blockchain…

blockchain market size, trends and report

India Blockchain Report 2019: Summary

Dealing with a troublesome child: “A consultative and enabling regulatory approach towards Blockchain can help drive the growth of the Blockchain ecosystem and innovation in India.” India will soon debate the proposed draft to make cryptocurrency dealings illegal in India. The outcome appears certain. But only recently the association of software companies, Nasscom has released…